The Role of Mindfulness in Becoming a Better Leader

The Role of Mindfulness in Becoming a Better Leader

Ask any business leader the secret of coping with job pressures nowadays, and many will tell you that mindfulness is often the basis of a stress management routine done right. But can mindfulness also make you a better leader? Here are just a few reasons why the...
What Does The Biodiesel Tax Incentive Three Year Extension Mean?

What Does The Biodiesel Tax Incentive Three Year Extension Mean?

Experts across the biodiesel industry will likely agree that gaining popular support can be difficult. That is what made the recent three-year extension on the biodiesel tax incentive so important for the industry as a whole. To understand how this can benefit...
Sustainability in the Oil and Gas Industries

Sustainability in the Oil and Gas Industries

The oil and gas industry has faced criticism for decades. Fossil fuels have made energy more available and affordable than ever before. Modern oil and gas are much cleaner and more accessible than older fuel sources like whale oil and coal. However, pollution and...
How To Become More Sustainable This Year

How To Become More Sustainable This Year

In May 2019, it was released that the global efforts to shift towards renewable energy stalled in 2018. This is the first year since 2001 that we did not meet the continued growth as needed, increasing the significance of efforts for the remainder of the year. Knowing...
How To Empower Your Employees As A Leader

How To Empower Your Employees As A Leader

Employees are the most important persons who directly contribute to the success or failure of any business. As an employer, empowering your employees to become better leaders and managers ensures that you can benefit optimally from them. Here are five important tips...